The same way as for booking portals in Channel Manager, you can set different prices for Booking Engine only. See the step by step instruction below.

STEP 1 - Create a new rate

In Rate Manager, click on Add Rate button, next add a name for the new rate, for example, Booking Engine or Website, and save it.

STEP 2 - Set up prices

When the new rate is created, set up prices that you want to show on the booking engine. Go to Prices and insert the prices for the new rate.

STEP 3 - select the rate for Booking Engine 

Now, change the default Standard Rate for Booking Engine. Go to the Property Settings / Booking Engine / Payment & Rates  and select the rate you want to use on your website.

Remember to save the changes!


You can use multiple rates on your booking engine.

Check also:

Booking Engine rates

How to set up prices?

Setting up Rates

How to link Rates

Occupancy pricing in Booking Engine

How can I have different prices on each portal?