The Coupons can easily adjust, add a discount or fix reservation prices.

To create a coupon go to Property Management and open Coupons.

You will see the window with the coupon's list on the left side and the settings next to it.

1. Click on Add button to add a new coupon.

2. Enter the coupon name, for example, 10% Discount

3. To add a coupon with a percentage discount select Adjust, then select +/- % and enter the value. The example below figures a 10% decrease in the total price (If you skip the "-", 10% will be added to the reservation price).

4. To fix the price, select the option Fixed Price and put the value:

5. In the final part select how the coupon should be applied, i.e. for Check-In Duration or First Night Only:

To add a coupon to the reservation: 

1. Click on Coupons button in Overview:

2. Select the coupon you want to add to the reservation and click Ok:

3. You will see the changed balance and information about the coupon. Please remember to save the changes!

See also: How to create a Booking Engine Coupon?