Reservations payments report shows the list of transactions connected to reservations.

You will see the following filters in this report:

1) Date filter - you can decide if you want to show the results by check-in, check-out, booking or payment date.

2) Start and End date - you can decide what period you want to see the results for.

3) Booking status - you can decide what booking status you want to see the results for.

4) Account - you can decide which accounts you want to see the transactions from.

5) Payment category - you can decide which payment categories you want to see the results for.

6) Currency - you can decide which currency you want to see the results for.

7) You can also export the report to CSV format and open it in Excel.

After generating the report you will see a table with the following columns which will containg different information about the payment and the reservation:

* Reservation ID

* Check-in date

* Check-out date

* Booking date

* Payment date (transaction date)

* Accounting date - Transaction Date vs Accounting Date

* Payment Category

* Guest name

* Guest count

* City tax

* Booking method

* Account

* Nights

* Bednights

* Amount due

* Amount paid

* Currency

If you double click on a specific transaction the system will open the reservation which this booking is connected to.