Before you enable the Airbnb XML connection make sure that the following points are correctly set up:

1) Each listing should have a title with at least 8 characters

2) The description of each listing cannot have less than 50 characters

3) You need to update at least 7 photos (800px by 500px)

Please note that each listing should correspond to one room type in the system. What it means?

If you have 10 double rooms separated on Airbnb and only one room type in the system which is connected to 10 physical rooms it will be necessary to create additional room types in order to use them on Airbnb. However, please note that in case of XML connection it's not necessary to sell separately each private room. You can have e.g. one double room type, the same way as in other channels.

* Each Airbnb listing should have one corresponding room type in the system

* Each room type should have the prices set up as they will be sent to the channel

If you have any doubt, please contact us to [email protected].