In order to enable the connection with this channel you need to generate special credentials in your Despegar Extranet:
1. Log in to the Extranet
2. Got o GENERAL SETTINGS and click on Channel Manager Connection:
3. Click on Add Channel Manager / PMS
4. Select the channel manager FrontDesk Master, accept the terms and conditions and save the changes.
You will receive a hotel ID, username and password. Save them so that you can use them later in the channel manager mapping process in FrontDesk Master.
In order to enable it in the system please go to Manager / Channel Manager / Despegar and click on Enable now button:
Enter the credentials you got from Despegar and click on Next button:
Choose the corresponding system room type to each channel room type:
Do the same with the rates. Choose the corresponding system rate to each Despegar rate.
Please remember to map only not linked rates!!!!
Save the changes.
Now your connection is active. Please check if the prices and the availability appear correctly in the Extranet. In case of any problems please let us know at [email protected]